Monday, May 25, 2009

Next Quarter = Next Week!

So I mentioned in class yesterday that June marks the beginning of a new Sunday School quarter, and thus the beginning of a new topic for us to look at each week. Thanks for helping me out and giving suggestions for what you wanted JW and I to teach on these past 3 months. After a slow start (to the suggestions), I ended up having a lot more than I could possibly cover. If your topic didn't get covered, it was probably because I had already taught a lesson on something you suggested, and I was moving on to somebody else's request. If you still would like some info on it, though, you can always email me or call me and I'll be happy to find and answer for you.

That said, now the question is what about next week?! What do you think? I visited my brother in Chattanooga last weekend, and their whole church is doing a Sunday School series studying the book of Proverbs. That might be interesting, and Proverbs is full of truth that can help us everyday - and it's plain and easy to get for people who need it plain and easy, like me. I'm open to any suggestion from you...maybe you've done a particular bible study in the past that has really helped you, or maybe you'd just like to see us gear the lessons more towards a particular format. In any case, leave a comment or drop me a line and let me know what's on your mind (sounds like the ending of a cheesy limerick).

AND, in case you missed yesterday and missed the big news, I'll send a big E-CONGRATULATIONS to Greg and Lisa, now officially betrothed to one another to be wed in holy matrimony! If I had thought about it, I would have taken a picture of Lisa's ring and posted it on the website for all the girls, but I am a guy and, consequentially, do not think about those things. But we're happy for you Greg and Lisa, let me know what kind of cake you want for the wedding and I'll save you some money and make it myself.


Seth Thompson said...

When he taught he wanted you to listen
His blog updates were hitin' and missin'
But, he said drop me a line
Let me know what's on your mind
And I'll stick it in this Sunday's lesson

Greg and Lisa told me what kind of cake they wanted and said I should pass it along to you. Pineapple upside down cake, 4 tiers.

greg said...

seth?? is he on our role??? and pineapple?? cherry cobler has always been a blessing to me.

greg said...

hey corbin,
what about the member spot light???
are you behind??

Corbin said...

I am behind, Gregory, but I will continue the member spotlight this coming Sunday. Feel free to suggest some survey questions...

greg said...

for the record, it was only one time i brought you out. i think.