Friday, May 1, 2009

Let me just say that I do not have the perfect job for blogging, like some of you (ahem, E'thelton), and blogging on the blackberry in the woods doesn't work too well. So, I was slack in posting this week. But, here's something that's been on my mind since Sunday:

If you were in church Sunday night, Bro. Gene commented that it was becoming "too quiet" around GSBC and asked for volunteers - some men to come and sit on the front row and "AMEN" the preacher, Bro. Eddie Davis, whenever you agreed with something he said. I don't know if you noticed or not, but there was one thing in common with the men who volunteered and sat on the front row: AGE. Not that the men who got up there were decrepit or anything, but nobody up there was under 50 years old.

One of my absolute favorite things about our church is the atmosphere. It's not restricted to just one thing, like the choir or the preaching or the special's all aspects of the service. And the support and "life" from the audience is a unique part of that. I found myself wondering Sunday night if that atmosphere that I love and that most of us take for granted will be around, say, in another 10-15 years? There was nobody on the front row that night that I or anybody else would call a "young man" or somebody in the mid-stages of life, unless my memory is telling me lies, and yet the guys up there were the stalwarts of the amen choruses that we hear every week. The guys who, believe it or not, ADD ATMOSPHERE to our services. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that I have felt more movement of the Holy Spirit in services where I knew others were experiencing Him as well.

Who will ensure that our atmosphere remains the same in the years to come? What happens when those men can't speak out anymore like they used-to? Who will be around when the leadership roles of the church must move to a younger demographic? And I don't think that we should limit this conversation just to MALES...there are plenty of responsibilities that women have in our church today that someone will have to take-over-for one day. How can we keep GSB from becoming a ho-hum church that is (dare I say) BORING and or DEAD because it feels like no one WANTS to be there?

Bro. Eddie Davis commented on Wednesday night that GSBC is one of his favorite places to come because of the atmosphere...I hope that he can still say that in 10 years. Who will start supporting the preacher/choir/special music AUDIBLY? Who will start to take responsibility for the prayer-burden? Who is going to ensure that the atmorsphere of GSBC will be for our kids what it was for us?

Could you do it? How weird would it be if you started saying "amen"? How about me? Just something to think about...something that I've been thinking about a lot. Maybe we'll all hear a few new voices in the weeks to come...


GREG said...


GREG said...


Ethelton said...

You'll never know how much I appreciate your taking the time to update this blog. I can just see you sitting there in the middle of the woods, typing furiously on your phone. I think I speak for everyone when I say...JOB WELL DONE!

MisSunshine said...

You have done a great job with this web site,Corbin and Megan! Keep up the good work:) I agree with you about the atmosphere of our church. Its not very offen you find what we have at our church in other churches. I pray we never have to find out what thats like.
Oh! Good job Greg! :) :)

greg said...

noone is leaving messages. maybe we should start a rumor

greg said...

yeah, ok don't do that. i'm just so happy to be able to publish a blog. how about ladies don't forget about the bible study this weekend. that's better..

Megan said...

Someone needs to tell Greg that by posting a comment he is not "blogging". He is merely commenting. He still has a LONG way to go before he can blog...seeing as how it took him 3 weeks to figure out how to comment...

I'm just sayin...

greg said...

megan,megan,megan. dear megan. you truly are a blessing to me. with your kind words, you truly touch me..P.S. I'M A BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!