Thursday, July 16, 2009

Stuck in my head

Yeah, yeah, so it's been more than a few days since the last post. Summer is tough, and I was lazy the month of June...and maybe May too. But starting this month - er, the middle* of this month, rather - I'm getting back into the swing of posting a little more regularly.

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? I mean, all day the same words over and over again? You'll take a break to do some work or something, but you find yourself mulling over them again 5 minutes later or singing it night after night in the shower (the absolute best place to sing, by the way...the acoustics are great, and you'll sound 400 times better than you actually are). I've had this happen to me over the past week. I recently found an album by Newsong released in 1989 that I bought for a particular song on the album, entitled Not the Half Has Been Told. But that's not the one that's been stuck in my head. As I was mulling over the song for the 537th time this week, I was asking God why he chose to place that on my brain the past few days, and it occurred to me that maybe the reason was so I'd share it with somebody. So here's a line or two:

All things work for our good
though sometimes we can't see how they could.
Struggles that break our hearts in two,
sometimes blind us to the truth.

Our Father knows what's best for us;
His ways are not our own.
So when your pathway grows dim, and you just can't see Him,
Remember, He's still on the throne.

God is too wise to be mistaken,
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don't understand,
when you don't see his plan,
when you can't trace his hand,
trust his heart.

How true is that? Things happen sometimes that you just can't explain why. There'll be times when it makes zero sense why something went down the way it did, why somebody walked away, why you lost something, or why - being in the will of God as best you know how to be - you're going down a road that seems unfair. If you could see the future, well, then maybe you could understand...but I guess, then, it wouldn't be faith. So until the future gets here, maybe the best thing to do is to trust the thoughts of God's heart, which of course you know, are:
...thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an unexpected end.
-Jeremiah 29:11